On 18 January 2018, the Heathrow Community Engagement Board (HCEB) took over the role of the Heathrow Airport Consultant Committee (HACC). The work that the HACC did should continue to be recognised so this page contains minutes and agendas for the HACC going back to 2015.

We will also be providing on a regular basis reports that were provided by Heathrow Airport to the HACC. 


Airport Consultative Committees - Explained

Section 35 of the Civil Aviation Act 1982 places an obligation on an aerodrome, (or airport) to provide facilities for consultation for:

  1. Airport users

  2. Certain Local Authorities

  3. Organisations representing the interests of those within the locality of the airport.

Department of Transport Guidance issued in April 2014 suggests that an airport can discharge its obligations under s35 though a consultative committee. 

The HACC acted as a consultative committee for Heathrow Airport. This role passed to HCEB when it took over from the HACC.